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Having Fun With Beer Pong

Beer pong is an awesome social party game. So relax, grab a beer, and read on as I explain some tips everyone should know about beer pong that add to the excitement and keep the game safe.

fun beer pong

Hygiene Issues

There have always been health concerns about beer pong, such as the sharing of cups or the throwing of a ball that might have a disease into someone’s cup. Not too far in the past, (as you probably recall) the flu was on the verge of becoming an epidemic; beer pong was said to have aided in a virus that could have spread nationwide.

Relax, keep reading because I am not saying “don’t play beer pong”. There are simple ways to avoid being vulnerable to almost all diseases that would spread this way. Let’s face it – you probably would want to miss work or class, but not the next beer pong game.

A quick and easy solution is to use water instead of beer. It’s as easy as a keg stand! If you fill your table cups with water and keep a personal cup within reach, you can avoid contact with community cups. When the opposing team makes a shot, take the water out of the rack and pour beer into your own personal drinking cup.

There you have it – no dirt or disease in your cup of beer. This is also good training for tournaments because most tournaments are played with water instead of beer.

We all know that today’s economy is in the toilet. Like I said before, using water in the table cups is not only healthy, but it will also save you money on the amount of beer needed for the game. You can save a lot of money if you are hosting a party by buying a keg, especially if you like top-shelf beer.

Also, consider getting 16 oz. reusable plastic cups. Buying reusable cups saves your money, and it is also better for the environment. Remember, a little extra cash in your pocket goes a long way.

Be Responsible

Be a responsible beer pong player, especially if you are the host. The last thing you want is to have one of your good friends get injured or, in the worst-case scenario, die. Try to alternate teams instead of playing “King of the Table.”

This way, not only does everybody get a break but there is more of a challenge because the players change every round. You should also make sure you have all the players’ (car) keys and enough rooms for people to stay overnight if needed.

If you use your kitchen table for beer pong, you run the risk of damaging your table, which might mean more money down the drain. A professional beer pong table is easy to set up, easy to clean, and easy to store away. Hence, it is a great investment if you regularly play beer pong.

Be Aware Of Your Playing Area

The playing area where you are going to set up the beer pong table should meet certain requirements. Try to stay away from the carpet. Most likely, you will be spilling water, beer, etc. Playing on tile floors is best because they are often water and stain-resistant.

If the weather is good, then your backyard will be an ideal location. For good accurate shooting, try to place the table in a well-lit area, preferably with an overhead light.

Make sure to have enough room to shoot and high-five. If you are playing on a regulation eight-foot table, you are going to need at least twelve feet for playing room.

Have fun! This is the most important tip of all. Beer pong is truly a great social game. You will never have a boring party when there is a game of beer pong going on!

Just remember to stay healthy and responsible and you should have a great time playing beer pong.

Useful Beer Pong Tips For You

Learn how to better play beer pong! Here are some beer pong tips that will put you at the top of your game!!

Aim for one cup

Always aim for one cup. A bad habit a lot of people have at the beginning of the game is that they just randomly throw the ball, hoping that it lands in one of the cups. Even though there are lots of cups at the beginning, it doesn’t mean you’re going to score a point if you don’t have good technique. Aim for one cup throughout the rest of the game as well.

beer pong tips

Aim for the cup in the middle

Let’s face it: most of the cups that you score aren’t even the ones you’re shooting for. It’s usually the one right next to it, or if you’re really drunk, the one in the far back when you were aiming for the one in the second row (the row with 2 cups).

This way if you’re a little off on your aim and you miss your intended cup, you still have a chance to score the cups nearby.

Wait for the re-rack when 5 or so left

Normal rules for a ten-cup game allow one to re-rack. Don’t call for one until there are at least 5 cups left. Again you want to shoot for cups that are in the middle or around others, so a diamond or a diamond and 1 are your best options. Don’t try to do a straight line after you’ve already had a couple of drinks because you will need to use more concentration to throw perfectly straight.

Don’t risk the bounce

A lot of people like to throw the bounce even though they suck at it. On the other hand, some people make a bounce more often than not and are pretty good at it. If you’re one of those people that suck, don’t do the bounce – you’re just wasting a turn.

The best time to bounce is near the beginning of the game when there’s a lot of cups on the table. Never bounce the ball with three or fewer cups remaining; at that time you would have a better chance of shooting them in than hoping for a bounce.

Once you’ve attempted a bounce, your chance of making the second attempt drops dramatically because the other team will be expecting it and swat the ball away. This is especially true if you’ve attempted a bounce twice, so a good rule of thumb is to never bounce the ball after two attempts.

Give it enough hang time

Put enough arc on the ball so you don’t shoot too low. Don’t shoot straight for it; with an arc, at least if you miss, you have a chance to score the cups next to it.

Don’t take rollbacks lightly

Rollbacks are one of the most fun things in the game. You get really happy and a lot of pressure is lifted from your shoulders if you make one. This is a bad thing because it lulls you into a false sense of security which makes you shoot your second shot with little to no concentration. Concentrate, concentrate, concentrate.

Put your mind in the game

This game is 90% mental and 10% physical. Pay attention and concentrate at all times. Try not to have too much “fun” with your partner. Remember you are there to win. When you’re aiming for a cup, focus.

Ask yourself, “Why am I here playing beer pong?” – to win. “Why am I shooting for this cup?” – to score a goal. “What is my only reason for being here right now at this party and playing beer pong?” – to score a goal in the cup you’re shooting for. You are there for no other reason, so just do it.

If you’re shooting for rebuttal and the only beer that’s left at the party is a beer for playing the game, think “If I miss this, I can’t drink anymore so I gotta make it”.

If you follow these tips, you will see an improvement in your game and you’ll end up staying longer at the table.

5 Tips for No Hangovers After Beer Pong

Having a wild and crazy night with your friends at a house party while playing beer pong makes for some memories that you’ll never forget. But the hangover that you know is going to hit you the next day can really suck… But let’s be honest – beer pong is too much fun and who really wants to have to fill their cups with water instead of a good old’ brewski? Plus, if you want to gain the attention of that girl from across the room who’s been eyeing you all night, you better be able to score the last shot to impress her.

Instead of giving up on beer pong altogether, here are five pro-tips to help you enjoy the party, without having a bad hangover the next day that makes you question your life choices.

Stay Hydrated

If you’ve just been killing it at the beer pong table all night and have yet to lose, you’re likely going to be drinking a lot when it’s all said and done. However, a true beer pong champ knows the techniques that will ensure that they’ll be able to have fun, without feeling it the next day.

This pro-tip is to keep some water near your spot on the table. That way, after each game that you win, you can quickly pound a glass or bottle of water. By matching the H2O with the hops and barley, you’ll keep your system hydrated throughout the night.

Vitamins Before Bed
When the night is over, there may be nothing more enticing than just laying your head down and passing out. However, your final effort of the night should be to grab a multivitamin and some aspirin and take it with a glass of water.

These vitamins will help you replenish your body and the aspirin will work on the headache. If you want, you can even keep these items next to your bed before you start playing beer pong. That way, you just have to make sure you make it to your bed by the end of the evening.

Grab A Meal

After a night of drinking and playing beer pong, you know you’re going to be craving some 2 am delivery, or if you have a designated driver, some delicious drive-through.

If you can ensure that the food that you eat is healthy, such as eggs or natural minerals, then you can help refuel your body before you fall asleep. The healthier the food is, the better the effects will be while you’re getting some shuteye and your body is trying to recharge.

Get Some Exercise

Getting up the morning after a wild night can be hard enough as it is. But add in the challenge of going to the gym – that’s harder than taking three finals on one day for classes you haven’t been to since spring break.

However, if you can make it to a yoga class or just run on the treadmill for a bit, you can start sweating out some of the beer from the previous night.

Relieve Yourself

Remember that girl we mentioned earlier who’s been eyeing you all night while at the beer pong table? Well, she might actually come in handy for more than just flirtatious motivation to help you with sinking the last shot.

There have been studies that show that reaching climax can help relieve the tension that is in your body that creates a hangover. Therefore, keep her around till the next morning and start the day off right, and you’ll be able to keep going without too much downtime. Well, at least no more time than it takes to relieve yourself.


Drink Responsibly. I just wanted to add this extra tip because sometimes the obvious needs to be stated. This is actually the best advice I can give. The best way to avoid a hangover is to know your limits. Do not drink more than you can take, and you won’t even have to use the previous tips!

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Warren Davies

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