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About Us

Hi from! A table tennis site that you will hopefully find useful.
My name is Warren. My friends and I are amateur table tennis players. We enjoy playing the game a whole lot. We love to share table tennis tips with our readers.

Table tennis has brought us closer as friends. Our passion for table tennis led us to start the blog to share information about table tennis and related products. Ewen one of the members has extensive knowledge on the topic. We want to offer ideas and suggestions regarding table tennis products that you might be considering to purchase.

We invite you to contribute and shape the blog with your reviews and tips.
The blog does not have a specific format โ€“ whatever we think is interesting; weโ€™ll post.
We will be updating our site from time to time. We hope you find the blog interesting, helpful, and sometimes humorous. The blog will always be a work in progress. I hope you enjoy the ride.
Have a nice day!

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